Finding the Right Paper Cups for Coffee


Coffee stands as one of the most popular beverages in the entire world, taking its place among staple beverages like water, tea, and beer, and over the years, many delicious varieties of this drink have been developed for drinkers around the world, and similarly, there are many different ways for consumers today to pour or make their coffee or order it from shops. Often, paper cups are a convenient route to take; paper cups mean that a coffee shop can serve a hot drink fast, and the customer can take it to go and dispose of that paper cup later, as well as other temporary accessories like creamer, cups with lids, stir sticks, plastic lids, and more. This can be very convenient for business professionals who want to get a quick cup of coffee to go but don’t have time to sit down at a coffee shop to have their drink. Instead, paper cups are usually best. What different kinds of coffee are out there, and how can it be served?

Coffee Today

Many parts of the world are eager coffee customers, especially the United States. In the year 2014, to name a recent example, the United States imported a grand total of nearly 27.5 million coffee bags, which made up for almost a quarter of un-roasted global coffee imports, which shows that it is the world’s single biggest buyer of coffee. Similarly, the total retail value of the U.S. coffee market is estimated to stand at $48 billion, and specialty coffee makes up a bout 55% of the market share. It has also been found that independent coffee shops account for 31% of all espresso-based drinks sold, and the rest is brewed coffee. Independent coffee shops manage to make $12 billion in annual sales, showing that coffee is a strongly popular drink anywhere.

Who is drinking all this coffee, whether from paper cups or other containers? Many Americans, in fact. About 50% of the population today, or 150 million people, all drink coffee at various rates, and they may drink iced coffee, lattes, espresso, and more. Nearly 30% of the American population drinks coffee at least occasionally, and many more people drink it regularly. About 65% of all coffee is consumed during the breakfast hours, while 30% is consumed in between meals and 5% of it is consumed with meals aside from breakfast. On average, according to recent statistics, Americans drink 1.64 cups of coffee per day, and some may drink much more.

How coffee consumed? It has been found that 35% of coffee drinkers have their coffee black, while 65% like to add sugar and cream to their drink. Many drinkers get their coffee in convenient paper cups in the morning before work to stimulate their bodies and minds, and often, workers have increased productivity due to this stimulation. There may be other health benefits, too; it is possible that three to five cups of coffee per day may help prevent the cognitive decline associated with ageing, and this may lead to a 65% decreased rate of developing dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, according to recent studies on the subject.

Coffee also has a place in the workplace’s break room. It is common for American office workers today to share a coffee maker in the break room, and they may take turns paying for accessories like paper cups, wooden stir sticks, plastic spoons, and packets of sugar and cream. Often, etiquette requires that anyone who finds an empty pot or who finishes off the current pot should refill it right away, rather than wait for a particular other person to take care of that job. The employees who share a coffee maker in the work place are also encouraged to keep that space clean. Any spills of coffee grounds, sugar, or cream should be clean up right away to keep the space presentable. Employees who drink at the workplace can rotate who buys ingredients and supplies such as bean bags, ground coffee bags, the packets for cream and sugar, and so on. In this way, anyone and everyone can enjoy a stimulating cup of coffee, black or with sugar and cream, at the convenience of visiting the break room.

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