With summer about to commence, there is cause for celebration. Not only is warm, sunny weather on its way, but along with that weather comes the perfect chance to indulge in some frozen treats. Ice cream sundaes and frozen yogurt make for a wonderful treat at any time of year, but it is best in the summer months, with June being the most popular month for ice cream. There is nothing quite like digging a spoon into a sweet and savory dessert cup when the weather around you is both hot and humid.
Americans like their ice cream, too. The average American is expected to consume ice cream nearly 30 times in just this year, with 40% of Americans expected to eat ice cream in any given two-week period. Similarly, 90% of American households indulge in ice cream and frozen yogurt on a regular basis, whether buying it from a local stand or from the grocery store down the street.
When offering ice cream and other frozen desserts to people, you want to ensure that they have everything they need. While the ice cream should be at its best quality, the ice cream accessories need to be just as eye-catching and fantastic.
For locations that are openly serving ice cream to their patrons, you want to ensure that you have the essential gear to provide your customers with the best overall experience:
Dessert Cups
The first thing a customer will see when they decide to get ice cream are the flavors you have to offer. Once they have that picked out, their next move will be to determine what size ice cream they want. Having your dessert cups displayed for customers to see will make it easy for people to determine just how much ice cream they want. Consider labeling your dessert cups with the written sizes on the front of them, making it even easier for them to see.
Furthermore, consider going for unique, specially-designed dessert cups that are specific to your business. Rather than just having plain white cups, use dessert cups that have your company’s logo emblazoned on the side, allowing for you to market yourself whenever someone buys a frozen treat from you.
Tasting Spoons
Tasting spoons are a must! People are always intrigued by ice cream flavors, and more often than not they will have difficulties determining just what flavor they want out of all the ones you have to offer. Tasting spoons will allow customers to try samples of your ice cream, narrowing down their options until they have their perfect flavor in mind. And even if they don’t choose one flavor that day, that flavor will stick in their mind, possibly causing them to come back later to get it another time.
Plastic Spoons
You can’t eat ice cream without a spoon (you can, but it wouldn’t make for the most pleasant sight). Have plastic spoons available not only with each purchase, but out for customers in case anything is to happen to the ones they have. Consider having color options, too — this will give customers a sense of customization and personalization. Also offer different sizes, as it might be better to provide kids with smaller spoons than those you would give to adults.
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